Cinema loses a true champion today, one of my favorites... Director Sidney Lumet dies at age 86 after making masterpiece films for 6 decades. 12 Angry Men, Dog Day Afternoon, Serpico, Network, Murder on the Orient Express and 50 more. Few if any have the longevity that Lumet had in the industry.
I remember in my 'intro to film' class, on the first day we were asked to write a review of any film. The teacher, Edwin Arnold, wanted to get a sense of our understanding of cinema, and probably catch a scent of our taste preferences and writing style. I chose Murder on the Orient Express and got an A. I have the paper around here somewhere, I was going to post it, in all of it's 'original freshman year embarrassing glory'... but I looked for 20 minutes and couldn't find it. Either way the memory remains of Sidney, his great contribution, and my first film paper I ever wrote.
I remember in my 'intro to film' class, on the first day we were asked to write a review of any film. The teacher, Edwin Arnold, wanted to get a sense of our understanding of cinema, and probably catch a scent of our taste preferences and writing style. I chose Murder on the Orient Express and got an A. I have the paper around here somewhere, I was going to post it, in all of it's 'original freshman year embarrassing glory'... but I looked for 20 minutes and couldn't find it. Either way the memory remains of Sidney, his great contribution, and my first film paper I ever wrote.